Over the last couple of years I conducted research on the topic of Telling Your Story. Specifically, helping professors and graduate students communicate their story of faith in light of their field of discipline. Why did a biologist decide to follow Jesus? How does the study of economics undergird belief? What helps an expert in the field of artificial intelligence see the Lord more clearly?

As you might guess, those in academic fields hold fascinating stories of faith. Many students wonder why their professor, a man or woman dedicated to research and deep learning (in other words, a really smart person) would choose to surrender their life to Jesus? Students are desperate for answers, and instructors who explain their story of faith often find willing listeners.

Peter encouraged all those who follow Jesus to be ready to tell their story. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

Our stories matter. I might think my story of coming to faith in Jesus is boring or not dramatic enough. No sex, drugs or rock and roll were involved. But explaining how the God of the Universe revealed himself carries no hint of bland. Like snowflakes, every story is unique, and every account points to the unmatched grace of God. Don’t be afraid to tell your story—someone around you needs to hear it.

1 Peter 3 in Through the Bible in 2024

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez