I just finished reading through the Bible this year, cover to cover for the thirty-first time. Selecting the same material seems like it might get old, but that’s not been my experience. The Bible is a huge and complex book filled with challenging concepts and arcane practices. It helps me see my place in the world, and best of all, opens a door to the understanding of God.
The Scriptures point to ways to live and treat others. My mind goes deeper, and I think on topics beyond myself as I spend time in its pages. The habit of daily reading centers my soul. Best of all, an amazing God emerges.
The Holy Spirit uses the words of the Scriptures to comfort, convict, encourage, and embolden me. Bible words create bone-dry tinder for the sparks of the Spirit. Far beyond an academic exercise, reading the Bible generates an interaction with the divine, an ongoing channel to the touch of God.
Even if subtle and rare, God speaks through his Word. God often communicates through a whisper, which takes quiet reflection to discern. If I focus on social media and entertainment and fail to crack the cover of the Good Book, then I miss out on unmatched treasures.
Here’s an open invitation: The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
Within the Holy Scriptures we find the the water of life. Jesus invites us to partake. A little time and attention changes everything. I plan to read through the Bible again this coming year. Then I’ll read it the following years, over and over until my eyes go bad. After that I’ll listen. Take it in. Enjoy nourishment for heart and soul, to the benefit of you and me and all those around us.
Revelation 22 in Through the Bible in 2024
Photo by Aaron Burden
Dave, your faith and faithfulness are encouraging and inspiring. God bless you, Dawn and your family this Christmas and New Year.
Thank you Miriam! Blessings to you and your family as well!