As dark clouds bloomed, my brother-in-law turned our small boat toward the dock. An afternoon of water skiing turned into a race for shelter, which we soon lost. Caught in cold, pounding rain, with visibility down to a few feet, the boat inched along. We endured a miserable and frightening journey before the shore finally appeared.

The disciples of Jesus experienced a far worse storm on a much bigger lake. While sailing overnight across the Sea of Galilee, a violent deluge arose and threatened to swamp their boat. Frightened, they sought out Jesus who somehow lay asleep in the stern. They shook him awake saying, Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?

Which is a question I’m prone to ask as well. Where is Jesus when life falls apart? God seems absent during times of stress and confusion. Visibility suffers in gusting wind and driving rain.

But Jesus stays present with us. Not asleep, but waiting for us to call out. These followers of the Way, many of whom fished for a living and knew how to handle a boat, grew desperate when their expertise proved futile. Frantic, they turned to the only person who might save their lives.

Jesus rebuked the storm with Peace! Be still! Then he turned to the disciples and asked, Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?

Like the disciples, I often carry a raft of fear but very little faith. Despite how I feel Jesus remains in the boat, waiting for me to turn around and wake him up. Not for his sake, but for my own.

Mark 4: 35-41

Photo by Frans Ruiter