Washing our hands in soap and water remains the best way to avoid the germs that make us ill. I read recently that this simple procedure is even better than hand sanitizer. If you want clean hands, then wash them.

David wrote of clean hands as we approach the Lord. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.

David paired clean hands with a pure heart. It’s not enough to simply look good on the outside, but my life should express a heart that’s attuned to the ways of the Lord. Engaging with his teachings and practicing his ways are required.

I’m daily tempted to lift my soul to what is false. Distorted ideas soil my hands. Using people to my own ends, equating wealth with happiness, elevating self over others, and conveniently ignoring the less palatable portions of the Bible come to mind. Plenty of falsehoods pull at my soul.

The Lord, however, demands allegiance. Not perfection, but loyalty and commitment as we struggle our way up his hill. As we dirty our hands he allows us to wash them again and again.

How to clean ourselves? The Scriptures form the soap and water of our soul. Apply generously, rinse and repeat.

Psalm 24

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya