The book of Hebrews chronicles men and women who displayed exemplary faith. The writer describes these folks as those of whom the world was not worthy.
A few days ago my friend, Craig Hauquitz, added his name to that list.
By faith Craig and his wife, Bryn, joined the staff of Cru as freshly minted college grads. By faith they served in the US, and then by faith followed God to Francophone, Africa. By faith they learned French, and by faith started having babies. By faith Craig led student after student to Christ. By faith they fled Cote d’Ivoire during a time of upheaval, and by faith returned as soon as possible, some of the first missionaries to do so.
Serving as his supervisor, I once called Craig to check on a ministry detail. As we talked I heard popping in the background. Guessing that the connection between Colorado and Cote d’Ivoire was faulty, I asked him about the noise. Craig replied, Oh, that’s just gunfire. There’s been a lot of political stuff going on lately. I asked, are you safe?! Craig responded, Yea, it’s a long way off, I think we’re ok.
Craig loved the Ivorians, who loved him back. In all my visits to missionaries on the field in various parts of the world, I never saw anyone connect with others like Craig. I’ve never known anyone who talked about Jesus with such joy and hope.
Craig died when hit by a bus while riding his bike in New Mexico. He and his family were back in the States for a time before returning to Africa. Craig leaves behind a wife and six children. I can’t pretend to understand such tragedy. I question the Lord’s goodness, while at the same time praying for the Lord to bless and keep this family. Like many others, I am deeply saddened by Craig’s death.
Following the roll call of faith, the writer of Hebrews pointed to the reason for hope in spite of such catastrophe:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Craig ran his race, he finished his course, and has now joined the great cloud of witnesses urging us on. I am privileged to have known Craig and will miss him tremendously—one of whom the world was not worthy.
If you’d like to give to his family during this time, you can do so at: Supporting the Hauquitz Family.
Hebrews 11 & 12
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