Psalm 27 remains one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Written by a guy who faced down a giant, fought off bears and lions, and led armies into battle, King David had plenty to fear. Yet he kept his hope turned upward.
The Lord in my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
It wasn’t that David never felt apprehensions or frustrations. He wrote often of facing his enemies and asking the Lord to intervene. But his fears pushed him toward the Lord rather than away.
I once heard someone say, courage is not the absence of fear, courage is doing the thing you fear the most. While I’m not sure I always agree, I do know that action conquers fear. Moving forward despite our anxiety fuels resilience and hope.
David feared no man, and remained confident in the face of his enemies. But David certainly feared the Lord. He aimed his fear in the right direction.
The worries of this world easily overwhelm. There’s plenty to lose sleep over—a wealth of fear surrounds us. But I rest in the stronghold of God. From this position, and with the Lord as my light, whom really shall I fear?
Psalm 27:1
Photo by Gabriel Lamza
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