I like simple instructions. Perhaps that’s one reason why I enjoy planting flowers. Dig a hole, drop in seed, water, fertilize and watch it grow. The concept is simple, and yet a bed of blooming flowers come spring is profound.
Here’s some simple instructions given to those of us who profess to follow Jesus: Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Uncomplicated directions for a successful life—do good and share.
Not difficult to understand, but challenging to practice. I don’t want to do good to people that annoy me. Nor do I want to share my hard-earned resources with them.
But God understands this challenge. Often it’s a sacrifice. I lose something, but I gain so much more by growing closer to the heart of God. Such acts, even through gritted teeth, please the Lord. My life begins to bloom.
Do good and share. Try it today and enjoy the results.
Hebrews 13:16
Photo by Dave Lowe
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