Trends sweep through society. At one time a tattoo identified you as a person who lived a rebellious lifestyle, hanging on the edges of polite society. Today a sleeve of ink just means you’re one of the crowd. Most of the people who frequent my gym have tattoos, meaning those of us with clear skin are now edgy. It’s a nice feeling.
The children of Israel failed a major test in their journey to the promised land. Despite the presence of the Lord in the form of a pillar of smoke and fire, fear overwhelmed them. Their spies brought back a bad report and the people ground their teeth in terror. As a result all were condemned to wander for 40 years and die. Except for one of the spies who stood up to the mob:
But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.
Caleb possessed a different spirit—what does this mean? Caleb emerged as the principal spokesman for taking the land. He saw the inhabitants were indeed impressive and lived in fortified cities. But he kept his eyes on that pillar of fire. He held a spirit of vitality and faith that routed any fears he may have possessed.
Moving forward by faith overwhelms fear. Caleb knew it, and Joshua and Moses understood as well. Unfortunately, they failed to convince their fellow spies. Despite a holy firestorm in the background, terror swept through the camp, tattooing a legacy of faithlessness on the adult population.
How to develop such a different spirit? Caleb watched the Lord and considered his ways. I can do the same as I study the Scriptures, observe God’s actions and ask the Holy Spirit to grant me wisdom. The more I know the Lord, the better I’m able to resist the trends society throws my way, especially those more insidious than ink on skin.
Numbers 14:24
Photo by Marc Szeglat
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