Ezekiel was no slacker. He preached day after day to willing listeners who also happened to be unwilling doers. Through his spokesperson God urged change. But content in a fog of comfortable yet unjust living, no one lifted a finger in response.
To the citizens of ancient Jerusalem Ezekiel was simply an entertainer, a singer of love songs, a voice on the radio. His words from God were dismissed as fantasy. God encouraged the downtrodden teacher: When all this comes true—and it surely will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.
Ezekiel got up the next morning and went back to work. How did he feel speaking to people who listened with polite interest, but held no intention of changing their lives? He knew it and they knew it, yet Ezekiel pushed ahead.
Sometimes life’s a slog. At times following the Lord feels a bit like Ezekiel’s experience—no one seems to notice or care that we are hewing closely to the ways of God, trying to live his words and apply them to our lives.
But no worry, God sees and others do as well. When all his words come true—and they surely will—you and I will be glad we followed the way of this frustrated prophet.
Ezekiel 33 in Through the Bible in 2024
Photo by Ali Inay