As David gathered forces to consolidate his reign, groups of men armed for battle joined him from all over Israel. One group stood out not just as fighters, but as thinkers:
From Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.
Anyone who is both wise to the ways of the world, and perceives the best steps to take in response, is a person I want in my camp. David found room for this band of contemplative warriors.
So how do you and I gain these same attributes? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). Soaking in the Scriptures, growing in our understanding of God and his ways is a foundational step.
Then, I like to read good thinkers who reflect upon our time and culture through a lens reflecting biblical truth. The late Timothy Keller being one, and the contemporary author David Brooks being another (I’m currently reading his book How To Know A Person).
Finally, discussing ideas with others of like-mind. Notice that 200 men from Issachar walked into David’s camp, along with many more of their relatives. This group came to conclusions after batting around ideas with each other before saddling up to join David. Engaging with wise thinkers proves invaluable.
In my experience such people are hard to find. They don’t dwell among social media mobs or within media conglomerations. But they do exist. I pray for people like them to walk into my camp, both to bless my life personally, and to bless the world around us.
1 Chronicles 12 in Through the Bible in 2024
Photo by Papaioannou Kostas