Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Category: Growth (Page 3 of 15)

Too Excited to Eat

In Mark 8 Jesus fed 4,000 people, with only a few loaves of bread and a handful of fish. While an amazing miracle, I’m equally amazed at the cause of the hunger. Have you ever been too excited to eat? I have, but never for three straight days.

People sat in gnawing hunger listening to Jesus. Finally experiencing Jesus live and in the flesh proved so fascinating, so fulfilling, so life-giving, they forgot to eat. For three days. Divine FOMO.

Until a crisis emerged. Jesus feared some would collapse on the road if he sent them home without eating. So he fed them, solving the problem he created in the first place.

What a teacher.

The Road to Prosperity

Blessed in the one…who meditates on his law day and night (Psalm 1).

Meditate. More than simply to read, but to think about, to roll around in your mind, to fit the words to yourself.

Day and Night. Much more than a glance, more than a morning dose of fortifying vitamin, but enjoying unhurried time, lounging in the scriptures.

Delighting in the law of God takes time and intentionality, and yields fantastic dividends. The prosperity mentioned in Psalm 1 is in our hands – if we give attention to the words in this book.

Super convicting.

I meditate on my news feed, especially politics and sports (go Chiefs!). I think about work. I give attention to social media (which brings no prosperity and rarely delight). I scan streaming services for entertainment. I read novels. Then I go to bed.

Nothing wrong with any of those (except perhaps social media). But prosperity, there for our taking, comes from delighting in God’s law.

Week two of reading the Bible cover to cover.

The God Who Still Sees Us

Hagar, young and pregnant, despised and so totally alone, fled into the desert. She felt invisible. Taking refuge next to a well, an angel materialized and changed her life with a prophecy about her future and the future of the son she carried.

Overwhelmed, she named the well, “Beer Lahai Roi,” or, the “well of the Living One who sees me.” In doing so she gave God a new name, the God who sees me.

Do you ever feel invisible? As I read this story in Genesis 16, that’s how I imagine Hagar felt. Who cared about her heartache, or her desperate circumstances? Then I ask, who cares about mine?

The God who sees me. God comforted the pregnant slave girl. God sees the desperate. I may feel invisible, but that’s not actually the case. God sees me, with promise and attention to detail. The God who sees me sent his angel for Hagar, and sent his Son for us.

Wherever I am, whatever I’m facing, The God Who Sees Me, watches over me. And you as well.

Week two of reading the Bible cover to cover.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Cover to Cover – Week One Complete!

If you are reading through the Bible with me this year, and following the Bible plan we’re using, today marks the end of week one. You made it!

I’m enjoying the combination of Old Testament and New Testament readings, and I’m looking forward to continuing the rhythm as I head into week two.

If you have not started, but would like to join in and read the Bible cover to cover this year, it’s not too late. A little extra reading and you’ll catch up.

Remember, if you spend 30 minutes a day on social media, you can read through the Bible in a year. And I guarantee the results from your time in the Bible will far outweigh anything you find on social media. Join our tribe of Bible readers!

Week One of Reading the Bible Cover to Cover

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