Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Category: Growth (Page 5 of 15)

Angry Jesus

Jesus looked around at them in anger…

The story is found in Mark 3. Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath. Early in his ministry, Jesus’s reputation blossomed, along with the jealousy of other teachers.

On this day, a man with a crippled hand sat near Jesus. Jesus healed him and made the point that the laws of the Sabbath, laws handed to Moses from the Lord, were given for good, for human flourishing, for life. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.

I’m struck by the anger shown by Jesus. Distressed by their stubborn hearts, Jesus’s eyes flashed anger – not compassion nor patience. Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, left the building.

I don’t think of an angry Jesus very often. Perhaps I should.

Week One of Reading the Bible Cover to Cover

Dalliance in a Garden

I’m amazed how fast the perfect world of Adam and Eve collapsed. One minute they’re enjoying the finest, fantastical fruits ever tasted, the next bending under a curse while their children kill each other.

Super depressing, but so life goes. The way of the world ultimately leads down the path of a curse, a roadway laid at the dawn of humanity. Any reading of histories reveals the curse repeating, over and over and over.

But, oh so wonderfully, Jesus cut a new, upward path. A winding lane leading to a narrow gate, opening to the garden of gardens. Once we enter, the world of the curse fades to nothing. The path to choose in 2021.

Week One of Reading the Bible Cover to Cover

In The Beginning…

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters (Genesis 1:2).

The very same Spirit that hovered over the deep at creation, today hovers over our lives, indwells us, and empowers us – if we allow it (see Romans 8).

My prayer for 2021 is for more of the Spirit of God’s hovering, molding, and creating in my life, and less about me and my building plans.

Happy New Year!

Week One of Reading the Bible Cover to Cover

Let’s Read the Bible – Cover to Cover – in 2021

I’m reading the Bible from cover to cover in 2021. Want to join me?

Maybe that seems like a stretch for you. Or maybe that seems impossible. It’s not, of course. It just takes discipline and work and time and a Bible. If you spend 30 minutes a day on social media, you can read through the Bible in a year. You just have to want it.

Reading through the entire Bible in a year shifts your outlook on faith. It challenges your boxed-in views of God. It’s worth your time and energy. Nothing has benefited my faith more over the years.

As I read this year, I’ll post a brief thought each day. I’ll share encouragements and tips. Hopefully, the reminders will keep you going.

Join in and change your life. Seriously.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Photo by Jenny Smith on Unsplash

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