Guidance from Overlooked Men and Women of the Bible

Category: Mission (Page 11 of 26)

Lord Disturb Us All

Disturb Us Lord

Disturb us, Lord, when

We are too well pleased with ourselves,

When our dreams have come true

Because we have dreamed too little,

When we arrived safely

Because we sailed too close to the shore.


Disturb us, Lord, when

With the abundance of things we possess

We have lost our thirst

For the waters of life;

Having fallen in love with life,

We have ceased to dream of eternity

And in our efforts to build a new earth,

We have allowed our vision

Of the new Heaven to dim.


Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,

To venture on wider seas

Where storms will show your mastery;

Where losing sight of land,

We shall find the stars.


We ask You to push back

The horizons of our hopes;

And to push into the future

In strength, courage, hope, and love.


Sir Francis Drake

Do You Pray First, or Last?

Students praying in Ivory Coast

I enjoyed these recent thoughts from Steve Douglass, the president of Cru. His words sparked a thought leading to a question which developed into a moment of conviction – do I tend to pray about problems on the front end, or only after exhausting other options? Here’s Steve’s thoughts on the subject:

In the early 1970s I was given responsibility to manage the finances of the ministry. Up until that point I was somewhat aware that we faced financial challenges from time to time. Not many days had passed in my new assignment before I realized that we were up against a rather serious financial challenge. We had sponsored two very large training conferences and were aggressively seeking to follow them up. But we didn’t really have the money to do that.

As I briefed Bill Bright on our situation, he didn’t have any great financial ideas to fix our problem. Instead he said that God had taken care of us to this point, and he didn’t think He intended to stop taking care of us now. Bill bowed his head and invited me to pray with him that God would solve the problem.

Well, God did take care of us, and within a year we had paid back the sizable debt we owed as a result of our training conferences. God used that to teach me a huge lesson. Although I needed to do whatever I could to help solve a problem, the most important thing for me to do was to pray and trust God for the solution. I will never forget that lesson.

Since that time, I have had many opportunities to trust God — not just for financial problems. And I have learned that my first step needs to be to pray, and then to keep praying as different details arise.

What does the Bible say about this? A lot, but let me focus on one verse … Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (NIV).

The word “everything” is comprehensive, isn’t it? What “thing” that we face is excluded? Nothing! So, if the ministry owed a bank a lot of money in the early 1970s, Bill Bright knew that was a “thing” to pray for, presenting his request to God. If relational problems arise — and sad to say, they do — they are “things” to pray for, rather than to be anxious about. If a challenge arises in trying to raise a child properly, that also is a “thing” to thank God for and to petition Him for His supernatural solution.

Praying is an important part of what it means to walk with God in faith. We all know it. Yet somehow as our day unfolds, we seem able to forget about it. So I find it is good to have a simple habit. Throughout the day I ask, “Have I prayed about this?”

If I haven’t, but am carrying on in my own wisdom and strength, I stop to pray and ask God to intervene with His supernatural wisdom and power. “Have I prayed about this?” is a very simple question. But its impact is profound.

Why don’t you try it? Put up some kind of reminder where you can see it throughout the day. Whenever you see the reminder, ask yourself about whatever you are doing, “Have I prayed about this?” I hope that asking “have I prayed about this?” will be as life changing for you as it has been for me.

This is a great reminder for us all. “Have I prayed about this?” makes for a strong habit to form as we live out our faith in the world.

We All Worship Something

This photo comes to me thanks to my good friend and fellow traveler, Finch (he only needs one name).

This photo shows a young woman worshipping at a shrine in Asia. People around the world worship a variety of gods, and shrines like this exist throughout East and South Asia. As believers in Jesus Christ, we claim to worship the One True God and want others to know the one we worship as well.

However, some people worship no god at all. But these folks are not without worship, they have simply aimed their devotion in another direction. It may be money, or status, or education, or intelligence, or fame or celebrity or sports or relationships or experiences or ability, or whatever, but everyone puts their hope and trust somewhere, even if it’s into themselves.

We all worship something. Are you confident that your worship is aimed in the right direction?

Here’s How the Kids Sleep

I cannot get over this picture, taken during Cru’s Hurricane Harvey month of relief work in March. Due to a lack of housing, a number of students brought their hammocks and slept, well, in the trees. Oh, how I wish I still had a young back!
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