9/11. Death of the innocent. Death of the brave. The culmination of years of hatred and crystal clear planning. The end of one era of how we viewed the world and the beginning of another. Still fighting that war.
On that terrible morning I was working in the Campus Crusade for Christ office in Louisville, Colorado, putting together two new desks we purchased recently. I planned to fly to Nebraska the next day to visit our team in Lincoln, a trip that eventually happened a year later.
Recently I visited the 9/11 museum in New York City. Sobering and stunning, while there you feel the tragedy anew, in gut-wrenching ways. We feel it anew on each anniversary of that catastrophe.
Lord, give us your heart as we remember. Protect us from attack. Comfort the families left behind, remind the survivors of your presence and goodness today. Heal our world. May your spirit of peace cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.